Wed 25th Nov 2020 by Nick Philips
I have been a Police Officer on the front line for 19 years which means shift work doing earlies,afternoons and nights.
My husband is also a Police Officer working a different shift pattern which means we’re like passing ships most of the time managing childcare for our 2 boys aged 13 & 9.
When I’m not at work or doing mum jobs,I love being outdoors with the boys giving them a break from their screens and since lockdown I have recently got into long bike rides, this really helps my cravings for family size peanut M&Ms.
My weight is something I have a constant battle with, and as I am always fluctuating from a very comfortable and content size 12, to having a serious muffin top and everything feeling tight.
I wouldn’t always be able to make classes at a physical gym, due to shift work, this is why Luv Fitness works so well for me, I have the freedom after shifts where I could be working till midnight or 2am, to have them extra few hours in bed, without missing a class because I can catch up a bit later on.
Now I have the flexibility to do it when it suits me and don’t have any excuses to miss a workout!
During the lockdown Luv Fitness Studios has meant I’ve had stability with my workouts. I’ve been able to physically do more classes than I ever could before, and has encouraged me to get out of the house and get more steps in.
Plus the constant support on healthy eating habits and how much water intake I should be having per day has completely changed the way I work out!